About me
Hello! My name is Deborah and I’m the holder of the B&B.
I worked for 27 years in the computer industry and I got great professional satisfaction until becoming the director of professional services of a multinational company based in Milan (on linkedin some curiosities).
I have always dreamed of opening up my own business and ideas over the years I have had several but I always lacked the courage to take the big step.
The passion for climbing and the desire to get away from the metropolis, for a less frenetic life and more in contact with nature, have helped me to start thinking seriously about a change. Pennavaire Valley and the beautiful house where I live now have done the rest.
I’m just starting out but the challenges have never scared me and starting an adventure like this is really fun.
With me in the B&B live Cleopatra (Cleo is more immediate), a European cat of now 15 years but that since we moved to Castelbainco is rejuvenated and has become more affable and Kira, a beautiful and tireless Australian Shepherd much younger, who it was immediately accepted by the veterans of the house.